A silver thread from mountain’s brow,
 Tumbling down with graceful flow.
   Ripples glisten, sunlight’s play,
     Dancing waters find their way.

Leaping over mossy stones,
 A thousand murmurs, gentle tones.
  Cool and clear in shaded glades,
   Where ferns bow down and sunlight fades.

Endless movement, never still,
 A liquid path down valley hill.
  Rushing, falling, soft and free,

Drawing lines of poetry.
 A journey onward, wild and true,
  Reflecting skies of endless blue.
   Through quiet pools and roaring spray,
     Falling water finds its way.

Falling water flows freely, like our life's journey—dynamic, ever-changing, finding its true path. Connect with the Falling Water and find your path with the Falling Water Hoops.


Sincerely Yours, 

Tagged: Poetry